Polychlorinated biphenyls (Compound classification)
Back to Compound classificationID | 3029 |
Ancestors | Compounds > Chemical entities > Organic compounds > Benzenoids > Benzene and substituted derivatives > Biphenyls and derivatives > Chlorinated biphenyls |
Name | Polychlorinated biphenyls |
Descendants |
Polychlorinated biphenyls
ID | Name | Classification | Synonyms | Level | Structure | Description | CAS Number | PubChem ID | ChEBI ID | FooDB ID | HMDB ID | SMILES | Formula | InChI | InChIKey | Average mass | Mono. mass | No. of Publications | No. of Concentration values | No. of Reproducibility values | No. of Correlations values | No. of Metabolomic associations | No. of Microbiota associations | No. of Cancer associations | No. of Intake values | No. of Correlations values (with biomarkers) |
Biomarker data
Measurements of Polychlorinated biphenyl biomarkers in biospecimens
Concentration values
ID | Parent ID | Depth | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | Biomarker Time definition | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Biomarker detail | Measurement size | Detected (nb) | Detected (%) | Detected only? | Arithmethic mean | Arithmethic SD | Geometric mean | Geometric SD | Min | Min (detected) | Percentile_05 | Percentile_10 | Percentile_25 | Median | Percentile_75 | Percentile_90 | Percentile_95 | Max | Interquartile range | Mean 95% CI lower | Mean 95% CI upper | GMean 95% CI lower | GMean 95% CI upper | Unit | Converted arithmetic mean | Converted geometric mean | Converted median | Converted unit | Adjustment type | Adjusted on | Regressed on | Expressed as | Publication |
Reproducibility values
ID | Excretion ID | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | Biomarker Time definition | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Biomarker detail | Arithmetic mean | Geometric mean | Median | Unit | Adjusted on | Reproducibility size | ICC | ICC 95% CI lower | ICC 95% CI upper | CV% WS | CV% BS | VAR WS | VAR BS | Publication |
Associations of Polychlorinated biphenyl biomarkers with exposures
Correlation values
ID | Intake ID | Excretion ID | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | Intake Time definition | Intake Assessment method | Intake | Intake detail | Supplement intakes included? | Intake Arithmetic mean | Intake Geometric mean | Intake Median | Intake Unit | Intake Adjusted on | Biomarker Time definition | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Biomarker detail | Biomarker Arithmetic mean | Biomarker Geometric mean | Biomarker Median | Biomarker Unit | Biomarker Adjusted on | Correlation size | Correlation type | Correlation value | Correlation 95% CI lower | Correlation 95% CI upper | Correlation p-value | Significant? | Measurement adjustment | Deattenuated? | Covariates | Publication |
Metabolomic associations
ID | Intake ID | Excretion ID | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | No. of subjects | Intake Assessment method | Intake | Intervention dose | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Structural identification | Feature selection | Area under curve | Sensitivity | Specificity | PLS-DA VIP | Beta coefficient | Beta coefficient p-value | ANOVA p-value | Publication |
Microbiota associations
ID | Biomarker | Experimental evidence | Organism | Biospecimen | Antibiotic | Bacterial source | Substrate | Publication |
Associations of Polychlorinated biphenyl biomarkers with cancer risk
Cancer associations
ID | Excretion ID | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | No. of subjects | No. of cases | No. of controls | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Biomarker detail | Cancer | Study design | Publication |
Exposure data
Measurements of Polychlorinated biphenyl exposures in populations
Intake values
ID | Parent ID | Depth | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | Intake Time definition | Intake assessment tool | Intake food coverage | Intake time coverage | Intake Assessment method | Intake | Intake detail | Food description | Supplement intakes included? | Measurement size | Detected (nb) | Detected (%) | Detected only? | Arithmethic mean | Arithmethic SD | Geometric mean | Geometric SD | Min | Min (detected) | Percentile_05 | Percentile_10 | Percentile_25 | Median | Percentile_75 | Percentile_90 | Percentile_95 | Max | Interquartile range | Mean 95% CI lower | Mean 95% CI upper | GMean 95% CI lower | GMean 95% CI upper | Unit | Converted arithmetic mean | Converted geometric mean | Converted median | Converted unit | Adjustment type | Adjusted on | Regressed on | Expressed as | Publication |
Associations of Polychlorinated biphenyl exposures with biomarkers
Correlation values
ID | Intake ID | Excretion ID | Subject group | Population | Country | Cohort | Intake Time definition | Intake Assessment method | Intake | Intake detail | Supplement intakes included? | Intake Arithmetic mean | Intake Geometric mean | Intake Median | Intake Unit | Intake Adjusted on | Biomarker Time definition | Biospecimen | Analytical method | Biomarker | Biomarker detail | Biomarker Arithmetic mean | Biomarker Geometric mean | Biomarker Median | Biomarker Unit | Biomarker Adjusted on | Correlation size | Correlation type | Correlation value | Correlation 95% CI lower | Correlation 95% CI upper | Correlation p-value | Significant? | Measurement adjustment | Deattenuated? | Covariates | Publication |